Websafe™ cash management solutions can be configured to provide your financial Institution with daily file transfer for funds in the deposit safe. Accelerated deposit of the cash will help cash flow, and provide accelerated use of cash holdings at each location.
Hardware Integration
WebSafe™ software is configurable with a range of hardware devices for handling coins and banknotes. Configuration requirements can vary at each location and so the choice of hardware devices will vary to meet the individual requirements for each location. By providing this level of configurability costs can be reduced and process needs refined.
Remote access to data
WebSafe™ software can be accessed locally or remotely with the appropriate login credentials. Allowing all stakeholders such as local store management, operations, loss prevention and store audit to gain access when needed.

Reduce Touch Points
Reducing the number of times banknotes are handled and moved within your business will save time, reduce risk and improve the security and safety of your staff.
Minimize Theft
Cashiers have the ability to continually drop cash into the Websafe™ depository at their POS throughout their shift. No need to leave the POS or call a manager to perform a cash pick up. Maintaining minimal cash in the cash drawer will reduce the opportunity for internal and external losses.
Reduce Operational Costs
Websafe™ has a proven track record to be an effective solution for reducing the time and effort necessary to handle cash on a daily basis. Features such as Delayed balancing, Dynamic floats assignment, automated alerting and many provide operational efficiency and help reduce costs.
WebSafe™ Technology
WebSafe is a cash management and control system for counting and handling cash in your business. Hardware and software components are configured to meet your specific business requirements.
One size doesn’t fit all. We work with you to configure the solution that works for your business. Years of hands on experience allows our sales and service professionals to provide you with the right solution.
How do I get one?
The cash assessment examines each cash touch point and the security measures in place to protect your cash assets.

Cash Automation Configured for you.
Websafe™ cash management solutions are scalable and configurable. Websafe™ is not a one size fits all scenario, it is a solution that is configured to meet the requirements of many businesses. Providing visibility from the point of acceptance at the POS through to the bank deposit process will allow you to reduce the risks associated with handling cash in your business, reduce operational costs, complexity and provide remote visibility for audit and treasury efficiency. Validate banknotes at the POS, secure and deposit all bankable bills at the point of acceptance eliminating the need to count cash at the end of shift and the end of day. Banknotes move from customer to cashier, from cashier to a secure depository. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. Websafe™ is scalable for any size business Cashier accountability, shift accountability or any combination of balancing methods can be configured.