How do I get one?
The cash assessment examines each cash touch point and the security measures in place to protect your cash assets.

The Evosort H9 coin sorting machine utilizes power rail sorting technology combined with CashDNA™ sensor technology to provide accuracy and efficiency. Automatically detect and reject foreign coins, and damaged coins that may cause issues in your wrapping machines if not removed. The ergonomically designed workstation provides correct working height and access to the machines controls to maximize efficiency and minimize fatigue for operators. An automatic coin feeding conveyor will provide maximum throughput to the sorting disc eliminating the need to manually feed coins. Peripheral devices such as Bar code scanner, printer, or the uploading of data to cash management software can be connected via RS232, LAN, USB or RJ11 interface ports.
EvoSort H9
Dimensions and weight
• Width: 1060 mm
• Height: 255 mm (with display 665mm)
• Depth: 475 mm
• Weight: 46 KG
Other dimensions
• Distance of exit pocket: 75 mm
• Hopper to bag hanger exit: 260 mm
• Hopper height with stand: 960 mm
Technical Specifications
• Count + Sort, recount, currency sort
• 100-240V, 50-60Hz
• RS232, USB and LAN Interface
• CE, RoHS compliant